One who stands in the gap

It’s a story from the distant past, with profound implications today. A story of glory on the mountain – mutiny in the valley. Reading it, we can see how the Lord responded when a people who had just committed themselves to be his people reveled in breaking their vows. As we open ourselves to the Word and the Spirit, may we see much more.

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When waiting is writhing

  • Post category:Trauma and Grief
  • Post last modified:April 17, 2024

What do you do when you feel angry, impotent and stuck, in a place where evil seems invincible and justice, impossible? Be still? Wait patiently? Psalm 37:7 may seem like a call to “just relax.” Instead it affirms and encourages struggle – struggle to resist taking matters into your own hands, struggle to cooperate with Christ to birth deliverance and life.

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Saint George and the Dragon: This medieval painting shows a white-skinned knight on horseback, slaying a dragon, to the delight of a white-skinned damsel in distress.
“The Christians of the South adopted a beguiling code of ‘chivalry’ drawn from fictional accounts of the Dark Ages. They promoted as biblical a view of women heavily influenced by Arthurian romance novels.” – We Confess

Jesus, white men and me

"White men are not the secret weapon (to dismantling injustice in the church and beyond) ... but Jesus is."

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