Strange fruit – or good?
"The Church's broken history with race needs to be acknowledged before we can move forward."
"The Church's broken history with race needs to be acknowledged before we can move forward."
My great-great-grandfather, Lorenzo Whitaker, fought for the Confederacy in the Battle of Gettysburg. He was wounded and taken prisoner in fighting that left his unit decimated and most of his comrades dead.
We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church - Q&A 5 Why now? Why do you think God gave you this message now? We’re in the midst of…
We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church - Q&A 4 What would you say is the most crucial thing that needs to be seen and dealt with?…
We in the US church, collectively, have some serious confessing to do.
We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church - Q&A 2 We can't put the past behind us if we're still chained to it How do you respond…
We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church - Q&A 1 You’ve written a book with a very provocative title: We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and…
Mini-post. Image of the cornfield at Antietam, where my great-great-grandfather fought. Quote about repeating the past and redeeming the past, from We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church.
Mini-post. Quote about the effects of carried shame and carried feelings, from the book, I Don't Want to Talk About It.
“In the very center of this dreadful contest, so destructive to life and limb, stood this humble, little log-church, from which the great battle of Shiloh took its name.” April…