A spirit like Caleb’s – fully following God
At a crucial moment in my life, Henry Blackaby and Caleb of old encouraged me: Regardless which way anyone else is rowing, you be filled with following God.
At a crucial moment in my life, Henry Blackaby and Caleb of old encouraged me: Regardless which way anyone else is rowing, you be filled with following God.
As I stumbled around, stuck in the fog – confused as to what was good and what was evil, what was true and what was not – my Lord knew I wanted to see. And he kept showing me what I needed to know to be free.
When Jesus calls you to walk on the water to meet him – GO!
The preacher urged people to love the Lord with all their hearts. Yet, tragically, he himself did not know how to do it. He could only offer a checklist.
What one bewildered, battered woman found, and dared to write, before patterns from the past began to replay in the present in such a visible, alarming way.
Jesus grew up in a religious system God had instigated, and people had hijacked to use for their own ends. Jesus’ life shows us when and how to buck the system.
Learning to dance with God means being vulnerable, flexible, brave, as he frees us from the paralysis of the religious and teaches us to move in sync with him.
"I let go of all I have just to have all of You." - A song that has encouraged me in the night, "Worth It All," Meredith Andrews
Mini-post. "God is kind, but he's not soft ..." A notable Bible quote and an image of a courageous woman that encourage me to go with God.
Minipost. Encouragement sent to me from an artist friend. It begins: "Not everyone who lingers at a crossroads hesitates in indecision."