This “good Christian girl” is a woman now
I was a “good Christian girl” until well into middle age. Then, God led me where I did not want to go, to show me what I desperately needed to see.
I was a “good Christian girl” until well into middle age. Then, God led me where I did not want to go, to show me what I desperately needed to see.
Wilderness strips life bare. It knocks all the supports out from under us. Circumstances may scream at us - and we may scream at God - that he has brought us there to kill us. And yet, it's in the wilderness that we may hear him say, “I have carried you on eagles’ wings to bring you to myself.”
Since childhood, I’ve treasured what Jesus said in John 8:32. “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Yet somehow, till now, I have not seen the diamond in its setting, so to speak. I have not seen the import for us all.
Knowing our Lord by name has nothing to do with calling him by a certain word. It has everything to do with knowing in our inmost being the One to whom that word points.
We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church - Q&A 2 We can't put the past behind us if we're still chained to it How do you respond…
What I learned from a bent tree - cradled, or caught, by another tree.
He who died in our behalf is risen. As we trust solely in his broken body and the new covenant in his blood, we too become alive in ways we could never otherwise hope to be.
“In the very center of this dreadful contest, so destructive to life and limb, stood this humble, little log-church, from which the great battle of Shiloh took its name.” April…
Mini-post. Thoughts prompted by a hazy picture of the mountaintop from which Deborah sent Barak and his troops into battle
Mini-post: A key truth to ponder, from We Confess! The Civil War, the South, and the Church.