Mastering the language in which God speaks
Today, let’s consider the impossible – and utterly delightful – challenge of mastering the language in which God speaks. It’s a challenge crucial to living by the Spirit. (And also…
Today, let’s consider the impossible – and utterly delightful – challenge of mastering the language in which God speaks. It’s a challenge crucial to living by the Spirit. (And also…
Don't count this aspect of writing as less than spiritual - or anything less than crucial. Work hard to master the English language, depending on Christ's mighty power that works within you.
God gave me an impossible task, a delightful task, and he went before me to make the way.
Heavenly Father, I ask you to raise up an army of writers who will learn to distinguish soul from spirit and will choose the path of writing from the Spirit
Mini-post. Quote about the effects of carried shame and carried feelings, from the book, I Don't Want to Talk About It.
What I learned from a bent tree - cradled, or caught, by another tree.
He who died in our behalf is risen. As we trust solely in his broken body and the new covenant in his blood, we too become alive in ways we could never otherwise hope to be.
“In the very center of this dreadful contest, so destructive to life and limb, stood this humble, little log-church, from which the great battle of Shiloh took its name.” April…
"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight. At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more. When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death. And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again."
Mini-post. Thoughts prompted by a hazy picture of the mountaintop from which Deborah sent Barak and his troops into battle