Sukkot: The Feast of Joy
During a difficult time in my life, God called me celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles that he has named among his appointed times. I invite you to celebrate this Feast of Joy too.
During a difficult time in my life, God called me celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles that he has named among his appointed times. I invite you to celebrate this Feast of Joy too.
More than a century ago, Andrew Murray explored the difference - and the conflict - between our spirit and our soul. He showed from Scripture the Spirit-to-spirit dynamic God has designed.
The work of exile – the work God wants to do through it – is to free you from bondage that masquerades as relationship, to draw you to himself, to show you what is and is not love. Perhaps the hardest thing you can do in exile – and by far the most freeing – is to stay there until it has done its work.
A beautiful song and a powerful word that have encouraged me in the night. - "Not by Might (By My Spirit)," Eden's Bridge
Long ago and far away, God promised a scattered people, “I will be a sanctuary to you during your time in exile,” and, “I will gather you back.”
Thousands of years ago, a little book that lies near the center of the Old Testament broke the silence. Esther the book speaks openly of sexual, racial and domestic abuse. Esther the woman experienced all three. Still today, Esther is speaking out to show us how one abused woman faced down what threatened to swallow her up, and how we can do the same.
I believe in breaking the silence of secrecy that abusers impose. I also believe that, for a survivor, silence is sometimes the most spiritual choice.
"Let my life be a song, revealing who You are." - "Salt & Light," by Lauren Daigle, a song that has encouraged me in the night,
Shame that’s exposed hurts like hell. But only – only – when brought out into the light can shame be dealt with and sent away.
Mark Charles is a prophetic voice to the US church culture. He describes himself this way: “I do not lead any organization nor do I work solely for a specific…