Treasure hunting
A treasure sought is a treasure treasured. Please do not miss out on the astounding gifts God wants to give you, because you think you’re too busy to pay attention to his inner nudge.
A treasure sought is a treasure treasured. Please do not miss out on the astounding gifts God wants to give you, because you think you’re too busy to pay attention to his inner nudge.
I’ve updated Return to Your Rest, and included a chapter about enemies of rest I have faced. May God give us courage to rise up in the face of all that fights against it - and to return to rest.
Today where you live, religiosity slaughters Sabbath by the very way it tries to keep it. But when people desperate for rest leave the comfort of religious exhaustion and stumble toward God himself, Sabbath remains – and the Lord of Real Rest revives them.
Refusing to listen to different views robs us of the opportunity to learn, to grow, to “sharpen” one another, to love one another. So it’s important and wise to humble ourselves to listen to others. It’s also important and wise to seek discernment from God as we do.
If God wakes you up to lifelessness and powerlessness in people who identify themselves as his, time is of the essence. But what in the world do you do?
Choosing to go with God where my church culture had forbidden, I had no clue how much seeing and grieving lay ahead. And how very much love and life.
Abuse had begun to open my eyes to evils in my church culture. Then, God took me on a pilgrimage into the past, to show me what is happening now.
Masters of misdirection spend their lives using anyone, everyone, to get whatever they want. They do it so subtly, so skillfully, that the exploited ones usually do not know they’re being used.
Spiritual exhaling releases what God breathes into you, for the building of his kingdom and the honor of his name. Exhaling the Breath of God, you release life.
As you inhale, you’re filled with breath. As you inhale spiritually, you’re filled with the Breath of God. Spirit-to-spirit, you receive his life.