The place his glory dwells
In Moses’ day, the Lord went to great lengths to make a way to dwell in the midst of his people. Now, he’s made the way for his glory to dwell within us.
In Moses’ day, the Lord went to great lengths to make a way to dwell in the midst of his people. Now, he’s made the way for his glory to dwell within us.
You may come more than once to the place where it looks as though everything has come to an end. But God means there shall be more life than ever. – T.A. Sparks
The Proverbs 31 woman shows us what other Scriptures teach us: When we fight fear of the future with the fear of the Lord, our God becomes to us a sanctuary.
Jesus died, rose and ascended so we can live in two worlds at the same time - the natural one we see physically, and the supernatural one we see by the Spirit.
The Proverbs 31 woman could look to the future and smile. Realizing that, I wondered: Might turbulent times be key times to learn the laughter born of faith?
A true story from the past it seems important to tell. Four questions about the present it seems important to ask.
One wintry day, I finished the rough draft of a book manuscript titled, “The Esther Blessing.” The next morning, the God of all grace celebrated with me.
We who have confessed Jesus as Lord may have taken communion many times. But in observing the ritual – and gazing on the picture it paints – how often have we failed to plunge in?
Ultimately, collectively, the church quenched the Spirit’s voice in order to embrace the society’s values. The church began to preach - and to try to live - a righteousness unencumbered with justice. But. God.
God saw my stifled spirit. He saw my confused soul. He’s teaching me to act on my spirit's yes even when my soul is screaming no. For then his life can flow.