My Gettysburg legacy and this turning time

In a very real way, I was there at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Black-and-white photo taken July, 1863, after Battle of Gettysburg: Three Confederate prisoners (apparently in civilian clothes) wait next to a log barricade.
Gettysburg, Pa. Three Confederate prisoners

Two of my great-great-grandfathers fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War.

One of them fought in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863 – 150 years before I published this post. He was wounded and taken prisoner in fighting that left his unit decimated and most of his comrades dead.

That same anniversary year, 2013, my cousin Skip Rohde wrote an intriguing post about our common ancestor and his participation in this battle. Skip concludes his “Gettysburg Anniversary” reflections this way:

So as we commemorate Gettysburg over the next couple of days, and think about its impact on our country, I’m going to think instead about its impact on me, personally.  Had anything been different there, had a bullet gone slightly right or left, or an order been given a second earlier or later, I might not be here. The individual strength of one man, though, pulled him through multiple major battles, two years in a prison camp, and into a farmer’s life in the reconstruction South, where he successfully raised a family, one of whom eventually led to me.

Lorenzo and me

I can identify, Skip. I too exist because a man named Lorenzo Whitaker survived the Civil War and, more specifically, the Battle of Gettysburg.

Something else also amazes me, Skip. In a very real way, wherever our great-great-grandfather’s life and wartime experiences took him, we were there.

When powerful people instigated the war – to keep and to multiply their wealth, status and control over other human lives – and when they used Lorenzo (and others like him) to fight it, we were there.

We were there when Lorenzo somehow survived Second Manassas and Antietam, as well as Gettysburg – and then survived two years’ imprisonment in Fort Delaware.

We were there as he witnessed carnage – and participated in it; as he shed blood – and as he bled; as he cursed and prayed, hated and loved, laughed and cried.

The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War. It was also a turning point for Lorenzo. Before Gettysburg, his unit had repeatedly routed the Union troops, though also sustaining heavy losses. But in July 1863, 20-year-old Lorenzo’s life dramatically changed. From that point, he encountered:

  • profound defeat in battle;
  • imprisonment and the horrific conditions of the prison camp;
  • the defeat of the Confederacy;
  • the dire straits in the South in the war’s aftermath; and
  • the determination of white Southern leaders to re-establish their power – and their power structures.

Released from prison in June 1865, Lorenzo married, farmed and raised a family in the midst of it all.

Inner wounds yet unhealed

Those who’ve experienced war know the physical wounds often heal much faster and more fully than the inner wounds. Indeed, unhealed inner wounds often show up in the next generation, and the next.

Further, we white Southerners – the people most likely to tell our black counterparts to get over their historical and generational wounds – clearly demonstrate that we ourselves haven’t healed. Among the many evidences: More than 150 years later, many are still re-living those battles, still trying to win that war.

It’s the inner wounds – such as the wounds Lorenzo received and inflicted – that have been passed down, unawares, from generation to generation of whites and blacks whose roots lie in the Deep South.

It’s the inner wounds of hundreds of thousands of Lorenzos – now manifesting in millions of their descendants – that God is exposing in this turning time, as he concurrently offers us grace to see, to release and to heal.

Posted July 2, 2013. Featured image added in 2023. Post lightly edited and headings added February 6, 2025.

Image of Three Confederate prisoners: See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. sharon Williams

    I have two Great-Great Grandfathers who fought at Gettysburg on the Union Side. John Franklin Brunton and John T Williams (I believe?). They were both wounded one John T. Williams was wounded in the head by shrapnel that went between his eyes into his sinus cavity. He lived with an open wound in his forehead for the rest of his life. He only had a piece of gauze to cover it and when he smoked his pipe the smoke would come out of it and scare the kids. I have talked about my grandfathers and Southerners who have I have talked to have made me feel like a criminal for lack of a better term. You are right to say that Southerners have not owned up to this history. Southern soldiers should be honored because they went through the 1st modern war with all of the technological advances of that time. They did suffer tremendously but, they were still on the wrong side of an argument – namely the ownership of people. That’s why we are still here talking about this 150 years later. Thank you for writing your book. I should read it because we need more of these.

    1. Deborah

      Wow, Sharon, our great-great grandfathers literally may have faced each other on that battlefield. I’m grieved about the wrong choices my ancestors made then – and the wrong choices we Southerners still make when we do not own up to the truth. Please forgive us for the hurt caused to your family and to you. I’d be honored if you would read We Confess and let me know what you think.

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